Massive BEDROOM VIDEO of Student and Teacher in KZN goes viral, students RIOT! – LiveMonitor

Massive BEDROOM VIDEO of Student and Teacher in KZN goes viral, students RIOT!

Ekucabangeni High School pupils in Nquthu village, vandalised the cottage, furniture and the educator’s belongings yesterday morning.

The 45-year-old teacher is seen in a close to seven minutes video in different se_x positions with the 17-year-old pupil who appears to be pregnant in the footage.

The Grade 11 pupil, who cannot be named to protect her, admitted that she was in a romantic relationship with the teacher.

“We have been dating since December last year,” she said.

However, she said she did not know that their se_xual encounter was being filmed.

“I did not know about the video. I only found out with everyone else this morning. I feel betrayed and humiliated.”

She confirmed that she was five months pregnant, but declined to say whether she was impregnated by the teacher or not.

She said she last spoke to him yesterday and that they were still in a relationship.

Another Grade 12 pupil at the school told Sowetan yesterday that she was not surprised by the video but angry at the teacher who she said had been taking advantage of girls at the school.

“He has been having relationships with learners over years and nobody cared to stop him, everyone knows it.

“It is high time he faced the consequences of his actions. I am annoyed by him and his behaviour,” the disgusted pupil said.

Another student said they were disgusted by teacher’s actions, as he allegedly impregnated another schoolgirl last year.

“We don’t want such disgraceful teachers in our school. Breaking everything in his house was a sign that he is no longer needed in our school.”

The school principal, who only identified himself as Mdladla, confirmed that the teacher’s cottage was vandalised by pupils after the video went viral.

He said he could not comment further as the matter wasbeing investigated by provincial education department.

“I would like to reserve my comment until due processes unfolded,” he said.

A teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he was aware of a romantic relationship between the teacher and the pregnant pupil, but declined to comment if she got pregnant by the same teacher.

“The learner, who continues to attend classes at the school, has been known for having an affair with the teacher. The teacher has been having affairs with school learners in previous years,” the teacher said.

Major Thulani Zwane said a case of se_xual assault was laid against the teacher by the girl’s family yesterday and that police were investigating.

But Zwane said no case has been laid for vandalism, as the teacher had disappeared.

Educator suspended

Kwazulu-Natal Education MEC Mthandeni Dlungwana has told pupils at Ekucabangeni High School, in Nquthu, that the se_x pest teacher has in effect fired himself.

He was addressing learners yesterday afternoon.

“It’s a crime we cannot forgive. We can’t have teachers who take advantage of our trust in them then they sleep with learners. We cannot accept that.”

He said, in terms of department policy, the teacher who engaged in se_xual activity with a pupil had already been suspended.

Dlungwana said he had already appointed a senior official from his department to lead an investigation into the se_x incident at the school.

He said during his meeting with parents, the school governing body and teachers, he had been told that there were other teachers who could be implicated. Pupils had confirmed this to him.

“The investigation has started and I am expecting a report within two weeks, as well as about other teachers who may be implicated,” Dlungwana said.

He said “what happened is unacceptable”.

“I have been entrusted with protecting learners in the province,” Dlungwana said.

“If I can’t protect the learners, no one can. We can’t allow these things to happen before our eyes because you are the jewel and future of this country.

“If you are not protected it means that our future is not protected.” –

Source:Sowetan/TMG Digital


