Latest on duo who shoved a black guy in a coffin – LiveMonitor

Latest on duo who shoved a black guy in a coffin

Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen, the two men who allegedly forced a black man into a coffin, have abandoned their bail bid in the Middelburg Magistrate’s Court.

The case has been postponed to January 25 while they remain in custody.

The State had opposed bail.

The victim was present in a packed court.

The alleged assault of Victor Mlotshwa took place at the JM de Beer Boerdery, next to the Komati power station in Mpumalanga.

In the 20-second video, which was posted on YouTube on November 7, one man, speaking in Afrikaans, forces Mlotshwa into a coffin and threatens to pour petrol on him.

Members of the ANC, DA and EFF are protesting outside the court.


Source : news24


