Top actor survives hijacking – LiveMonitor

Top actor survives hijacking

TOP actor Aubrey Poo has narrowly escaped death. His expensive Mercedes-Benz CL-Class was hijacked at gunpoint outside his home in zone 4 Ga-Rankuwa, Tshwane, early on Monday morning.

Aubrey praised the Atteridgeville and Ga-Rankuwa police, whom he said acted quickly and efficiently. He said he was at his gate at home when a car stopped next to his. Two young men jumped out, pointed their guns at him and demanded that he hand over his wallet, cellphone and car.

“Everything happened so fast. I am just glad I was not harmed,” he said. He immediately made his way to the Ga-Rankuwa Police Station. He said: “Their swift reaction led to the recovery of my car within hours.

“The cops were dedicated and eager to solve the matter. People often say the police do not do their work, but in my case I beg to differ.” Ga-Rankuwa police spokesman Captain Matthews Nkoadi confirmed the incident.

“The victim came to our police station and a hijacking case was opened,” Nkoadi said. The Mercedes-Benz was found abandoned in Atteridgeville, west of Pretoria, a few hours after it was taken.

Two suspects were arrested when they were found in possession of Aubrey’s cellphone.

A case of possession of suspected stolen property was opened and a case of car hijacking is under investigation. The suspects appeared in the Ga-Rankuwa Magistrates Court and the matter was postponed to Wednesday.

Source : DailySun


