Things ALL women have in common – LiveMonitor

Things ALL women have in common

According to a study that involved over 50,000 participants that consists of all se_xual orientations, here some of the shocking facts you’d like to know.

The topic about org_asm will forever be relevant, while some people feel its overrated, and others feel it’s the closest thing to credit alert.

Those who feel it’s the closest thing think people who think its overrated have never felt, so there is a lot of chatter about that. For and against.

Although we continually have this discussion, people who reach orgasm have been reported to be happier than women who haven’t.

This study is disheartening for these ladies, because at the place they occur, a few other categories enjoy more orgasm than them such as heterose_xual men and g€ay men, bise_xuals of both s_exes and lesbian.

Men were the party who responded with usually or always when asked about orgasm during s_ex.

The biggest performance rate was led by straight men, who recorded 95%, then followed by g_ay men who had 89%. For women, les_bians had the biggest score with 86% performance or having or_gasm during se_x, while bis_exual came second with 66% and then 65% for heterose_xual women.

Probing further into the survey, when quizzed about achieving or_gasm during s_ex, men recorded yes 75% of the time as compared to 33% for women. If you cross reference that with le_sbian women who reported 59% when they have se_x.

Source : Online


